Kvchosting introduces SEO web hosting and custom web hosting plan with the newest concepts of web hosting.
Link for SEO web hosting: http://www.kvcwebhosting.com/seo-web-hosting.php
Link for custom web hosting: http://www.kvcwebhosting.com/custom-hosting.php
Kvchosting offers a new affiliate program and offers lucrative commission rates for the affiliates for referring to other people and making sales for the company's services.
Link: http://www.kvcwebhosting.com/webhosting-affiliate.php
Kvchosting offers 25% off on unlimited and reseller plans, with a minimum committment of three months.The promotional offer ends on March 31st 2010. Know more : http://www.kvchosting.com/promo.php
The web host Kvchosting has joined twitter. For latest updates and tweets, visit kvchosting on Twitter.